Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Meet Officer Hotbody

Like many police officers across the county, Officer Samantha Sepulveda moonlights in her off hours. However, what the 32-year-old does on the side may surprise you. As it turns out, she’s a model. A swimsuit and lingerie model to be exact. And she’s got quite the following.

Currently at 183,000 followers, Sepulveda’s Instagram account is skyrocketing due to the revelation about her dual roles as hero/hottie. However, the most surprising thing about the 7-year Freeport, Long Island P.D. veteran, was that her friends had no idea. Those who knew her as a cop were clueless about her modeling gig. And the ones who knew her as a model hadn’t the foggiest about her cop day job.

The 5’2” Dominican-Republic-born Sepulveda isn’t just a pretty face, however. She also has the brain to match that face and bod. Emigrating to the U.S. at age 5, Sepulveda eventually went to the University of Massachusetts. She then graduated cum laude with a BA in management. After that, she went to grad school at Hofstra University and earned her MBA in finance.

Sepulveda could’ve become a stockbroker after that, but chose to join the boys (and girls) in blue. About three years later she landed her first modeling job through a friend and the rest is history.

How the world is reacting to Officer Hotbody.

People’s reactions have been mostly positive—with even the Mayor of Freeport showing her support. But of course, there are those who feel she should be a role model—and that striking half-naked poses isn’t how it’s done. Many are questioning if the police department knew of her alternate career.

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